Tuesday, 25 February 2014

If Jemima's patch is to be successful, I must get over my arachnophobia ...

I've been lax I know.  I'm sorry.  But where were you all?  Where were the pestering texts?  The heavy hints?  The tellings off?  I blame you lot entirely.  ;o)

Well regardless of blame I've finally done it.  We have seeds IN mud.  I feel proud.  I dusted off the seed trays I'd bought last year, brought them into the house to clean them up a bit, had a mini panic at the couple of spiders that jumped out of the crevices (they had menace in their eyes), and got on with the job in hand.

I hate how scared I am of spiders.  I know it's completely irrational, I know the worst I'll come away with is a little bite not even as bad as an ant bite, I know they are more scared of me than I am of them, but I'm SO scared of them.  When Jemima was only about 3 weeks old I was alone in the house with her, Tommer was working away and I decided to give her a bath.  We had a baby bath that you place in the normal bath.  I filled it up, got her undressed, everything was ready to go and this humongous house spider ran out from under it.  I FREAKED.  Apparently you're supposed to go all lioness when you've just had a baby.  You're supposed to develop this calm, protective instinct that can deal with any situation and ensure your children are safe.  I've never seen a lioness running in circles, cursing her lion mate for leaving her in such a dangerous environment and crying all over her offspring at the mere sight of an arachnid.  Spiders are stupid.  They move weird, they are unpredictable and they love playing this sick game of hide and seek with people who don't want to play.  Sod off spiders, I don't want to play.

 I digress.  I now have four lovely seed trays filled with special mud for seeds, I've planted carrots, strawberries, tomatoes, asparagus, naga chillies and - just because I love them - some sunflowers and sweet peas.  All of this I managed to do in the small window of glorious sunshine today, you know, the bit before the monsoon and after the hail storm.

My next job is to make a bit of a diary documenting when I need to do what.  This is where I've gone wrong all the other times, I've planted loads then I have no idea when to plant them out, when to fertilise, how to tend to them etc.  I think I need a little vegetable diary.  This is my next mission.

Over and sprout.